Feb 28, 2010
Feb 27, 2010
Quinta do Bomjardim
Bomjardim Manor House
Manoir de Bomjardim
Solar do Bomjardim
Maniero di Bomjardim
Herrenhaus Bomjardim
Manoir de Bomjardim
Solar do Bomjardim
Maniero di Bomjardim
Herrenhaus Bomjardim
This property was bought, the 24th October 1587, by D. Diogo de Sousa, from Sousa Prado family, counts of Redondo and marqueses of Borba. Today the Manor House still belongs to the same family.
At the end of the 16th century the House started to be also used for recreational purposes, and the garden design was influenced by the italian tendencies, so in fashion at the time.
In front of the House exists a 56mx26m terrace used for the first football game in Portugal, in 1888, organized by the Pinto Basto brothers, neighbours to the Bomjardim Manor House.
Feb 26, 2010
Feb 19, 2010
Feb 14, 2010
Algoso Castle is one of the most important medieval fortresses at Trás-os-Montes province (Behind the Mountains),situated at the northeast Portugal. This fortress was built at the end of the 13th century, and was very important defending the border between the young kingdom of Portugal and Leon kingdom. Nothing can be seen of the originally romanesque castle since it was given to the Knights Hospitallers,in 1224, and then transformed. From this period can still be seen the gotic elements, such like the heptagonal donjon with the huge stones over the entrance door. But all architecture was very changed between the 16th and 19th centuries.
Die Burg Algoso ist eine der wichtigsten mittelalterlichen Festungen der weit entfernten Landschaft Tràs-os-Montes (“Hinter-den-Bergen”), in Nordostportugal.Sie wurde ende des 12. Jhs erbaut und spielte eine entscheidende Rolle zur Kontrolle des Grenzgebietes zwischen dem jungen Königreich Portugal und dem Königreich Leon, da zu diesem Zeitpunkt der Grenzverlauf noch nicht endgültig festlag. Von der ursprünglichen romanischen Architektur ist nichts mehr zu sehen, da die Burg 1224 den Hospitalitern übergeben und von diesen vollständig umgebaut wurde. Aus jener Zeit stammen die gotische Elemente, die trotz aller Veränderungen, zwischen dem 16. und dem 19. Jh., noch zu erkennen sind, wie z.B. der heptagonaler Burgfried und der mit Maschikulis versehene Balkon über dem Eingangstor.
Il castello di Algoso è una delle più importanti fortezze medioevali della lontana provincia di Tràs-os-Montes (“Dietro-le-Montagne”), nel nord-este del Portogallo. Construito nella fine del secolo XII, a avuto un ruolo di primo piano nel controllo di questa zona del confine, all’epoca ancora mal definito, fra il giovane regno del Portogallo ed il regno di Leone. Dell’architettura romanica originale non è rimasto nulla, perché il castello subì un profondo rimaneggiamento dopo essere stato consegnato ai Cavalieri Ospitalieri nel 1224. Di questo periodo risalgono gli elementi gotici che, nonostante tutte le modifiche apportate fra i secoli XVI e XIX, tuttora si possono osservare, come il maschio eptagonale ed il suo ballatoio con piombatoi al di sopra della porta d’ingresso.
Feb 7, 2010
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